Linked Open NPD FactPages project
This is the homepage for the "Linked Open NPD FactPages project". The purpose of the project is to represent and publish the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's FactPages, which "contain information regarding the petroleum activities on the Norwegian shelf", as linked open data (LOD), and while doing so learn core semantic technologies and tools.
The original FactPages
has been updated to a new version. This project is therefore no
longer supported or updated. A new project which makes the new
version 2 of NPD's FactPages available as Linked Open Data, and
more, is available at
Ekofisk. Copied from NPD.
- Linked Open NPD FactPages - the current LOD representation of the NPD FactPages. Published through a Joseki SPARQL endpoint and presented using Pubby.
- Sgvizler, which can do lots of visualization. There is a project specific site for the NPD data.
- Stylesheets and javascripts for visualizing data,
using Google
Maps API with
these functions. Note that map
coordinates may be slightly off target as NPD and Google Maps
use different geodetic datums, respectively ED50 and WGS84.
(Update: These are now superseded
by Sgvizler with can do all this,
except draw polygons...yet, and much more.)
?lat, ?long, ?name, ?url, ?text
on Google Maps. See xsl script and test sample queries:- Plot all registered fixed facilities.
- Plot all development wellbores of Frigg.
- Plot all registered things north of 72.5 deg. north, i.e. things close to Svalbard.
Plot lists of
?lat, ?long
as polygons on Google Maps. See xsl script and test sample queries:- Draw the polygon of the seismic survey BG0905.
- and the more involved polygon of BG0904.
More stylesheets and javascripts to draw charts
using Google
Charts. These are only successfully tested on Chrome.
(Update: These are now superseded
by Sgvizler which can do all this and
much more.)
- Area charts:
- A SNORQLer in the dataset - browse the dataset using SNORQL, which is shipped with D2R Server.
- SPARQLer the dataset - a slightly different query interface, not so good for browsing, but better support for different formats and styling.
SPARQL endpoint - the dataset is
published through this endpoint:
. (Note that there is not much to see at the address—it will give you a 400-error—but use this address if you want to connect your application to the dataset, just like all the applications behind the links above do.) - A complete dump of the dataset (~100 MB).
- NPD FactPages vocabulary - the RDFS/OWL vocabulary used by the dataset.
- Partial VoID description of the dataset - using the VoID Vocabulary. The full description is found at the starting page of the Linked Open NPD FactPages.
- The original NPD FactPages' source data are published as csv files. A copy of these files (possibly outdated) are kept on this server, and act as the source for the Linked Open NPD FactPages.
- The csv files are transformed into RDF using the spreadsheet-to-RDF wrapper xlwrap and this mapping specification.